These last few months have been crazy all the way around. I've been making actual and measurable progress on writing Voices the 3rd book of the Oregon Series as well as preparing for two other writing projects. This has been a surprisingly difficult book to write compared to my others and sometimes it's been two steps backward and one step forward. Thanks for hanging in there with me. As with any other author I want this next book to better than the last. I realize The Diner was really wonderful but I can do even better than that. I've been doing this whole writing thing for more than a few years now and some authors who you could say I "grew up with" in the writing world are finding massive success. Despite being very proud of them I've been taking it personally and I guess I've let the self-doubt creep in a little recently. It happens.
In case you haven't heard my books up to this point and for the rest of The Oregon Series will be published with Birch Tree Publishing out of Grand Rapids Michigan. They are a young and eager publishing startup and I am thrilled to be their first author as we grow together. With this comes a few changes. In case you haven't noticed, none of my books previously published up to this point are available on Amazon.com.
The reason for this is simple; in my agreement with Birch Tree Publishing we will be putting out new versions of Running Northwest, All the Roads Home, and The Diner to reflect the republishing of them with Birch Tree Pub. We also agreed to changes that needed to be made to reflect their new life and their new publisher. All these books are going to go through or already have gone through a new editorial process. The Kindle (ebook) version will be revamped, reformatted and updated and the print versions will also reflect these same changes as well. In the case of Running Northwest, parts of the story have changed in very subtle but important ways and this novel will also have a new cover both in ebook format and Print. It's actually a throwback to one I used for a hot minute before a few years ago and we all liked it and thought we would give it another shot.
This whole process isn't new or unheard of in the book pubishing word especially when it comes to covers. Periodically authors and publishers will give a book a new cover to breath fresh life into an older novel. Stephen King's books have done this a few times. These three books should be available again by thanksgiving at the latest and Birch Tree will be offering them at an unbelievable price for print version through December. When they told me what they were gonna do I thought they were insane.
Alright, so on the writing front that is about all I got. If you haven't checked out my blog Journeys and Life recently I have some great new stuff on there as well so please check it out.